
SAS: Zombie Assault 2 – Insane Asylum

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7,434 plays
  • Description
    • You are a member of the elite fighting unit, the SAS. You have training, weapons, speed and cunning.
      They are an army of the undead. They number more than 6000.
      You like those odds.
      Asylum is the next chapter in the SAS 2: Zombie Assault series. Featuring a huge new map, new and improved zombies, and loads of new weapons. New premium weapons include a flamethrower and a ghostbusters style proton cannon that will eradicate zombies better than ever!
      This is an expansion game to SAS: Zombie Assault 2. If you've created a MochiGames account you'll be able to use all your previous MochiCoins purchases in both games.

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